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My article says "no full text availability". What does that mean?

1183 views   |   Last updated on May 21, 2024    interlibrary loan reference databases


That means the library does not have access to the full content of the article. You can try doing an Interlibrary Loan Request to see if we can get the article from another library. Digital resources (eBooks, articles) are generally fulfilled within 18 hours or less. Physical items (print books, DVD, CDs) may take a week to 10 days, as there are many factors that can delay delivery beyond our control. Please make your interlibrary loan requests as soon as possible to receive your item within your timeframe. To avoid seeing articles with no full text availability in your search results, you can check the "full text" box on the database search screen and this will limit your search to full text articles.

Please note that our website has changed but the instructions for finding the Interlibrary Loan tab have remained the same.