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My teacher says I have to find a magazine or newspaper article in print format only. Help!

523 views   |   Last updated on May 22, 2023    periodicals faculty


The library does have a limited number of print magazines and newspapers in the library. 


  • We keep the current month plus one month.
  • Newspapers cannot be checked out of the library but you can use them in the library building.


  • Back issues of current magazines may be kept either one year or four years, depending on the title of the magazine. Contact the library to check on a particular issue. The general rule is that popular magazines are kept the current year +1 year, and the scholarly/trade magazines are kept a current +4 years.
  • Magazines (except the current issue) can be checked out of the library for three weeks and can be renewed.
  • The library’s general check out policy is that you can have a TOTAL of 30 items out at any one time, which includes magazines.

If you have any questions about a certain item or if something is available in print format, please contact the library’s Reference Desk (847-214-7354) or the Circulation Desk (847-214-7337) for assistance.